I am so blessed


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I am so blessed

Being a Palestinian

Being a refugee

For over fifty years

I am so blessed

I wasn’t in the tank

With an army uniform

Killing and destroying

To frighten people away

It was a barren land

Later on to say!

I am so blessed


Being under curfew

For most of my life

I am so blessed

I wasn’t with the army

Erecting high walls

Shooting at civilians

At every check-point

I am so blessed


Losing my father

In one of their raids

I am so blessed

That it was not I

Flying planes of terror

Firing that missile

Then Laughing and rejoicing

The mission was a success

I am so blessed


Watching my brother

Being taken away

I am so blessed

I wasn’t one of those

Kicking till he bled

From his nose and head

I am so blessed


Burying my baby

With a bullet in her heart

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that soldier

Who took a baby’s life

Nor was I his mother

Who welcomed him a hero

When coming back home

I am so blessed

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Sleeping in a UN tent

Shivering in the freezing cold

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that settler

Who occupied my home

Justifying massacres


Then, tossing and turning

 All night long

Wondering what’s wrong

Haunted by his deeds

Searching like mad

For a long lost peace

Which he can’t find

I am so blessed


 Holding David’s stone

In my little hand

I am so blessed

I wasn’t giant Goliath

With mass-destruction might

Seeing himself invincible

With no hope in sight


On the Road Again

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Poetry for Palestine

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مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

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