Death by Music

To have a roof above your head,  dance to their tune 

To feed your family, dance to their tune

To find a job, dance to their tune 

To keep your job, dance to their tune

To get medicated, dance to their tune

To travel abroad, dance to their tune

To polish reputation, dance to their tune

To get good references, dance to their tune

To avoid prison, dance to their tune

To breath, dance to their tune

To stay alive, dance to their tune 

Yes, rejoice and keep dancing

What is left of you?

A lifeless, miserable corpse, emaciated

A sac of skin, filled with doom and gloom

Rattling bones, dancing to their tune

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When Words are Abused


Isn’t it absurd that some of the so called Jewish “israeli peace activists” leave the racist, violent and supremacist community of Jewish “israelis” to brew in their violent narcissistic delusions of “chosen-MESS’ and “divine entitlement” and come to Palestinians to preach “love, peace, equality and coexistence” !

Crypto Zionists in sheep clothing blather much about “love”, “peace”, “equality” and “coexistence”, and they shun, block and try to isolate Palestinians who talk about liberation or mention the word resistance.

Crypto Zionists in sheep clothing don’t want to see Jewish “israelis” prosecuted for their crimes, evicted from land they violently usurped or dispossessed from property they forcibly stolen at gunpoint, let alone seeing them hurt by Palestinian resistance.

Those gatekeeper who are not ashamed of defending the “right” of Jewish “israelis” to live in “peace and security”, while at the zenith of their brutality and barbarity, burning babies alive and chopping infants to pieces, will defend them even more when the real fight is on, and when their brethren face the possibility of prosecution or retribution.


“There is NO “equality” and “coexistence” between serial killers and their victims

No “equality” and “coexistence” between the raped and the rapist

No “equality” and “coexistence” between the oppressed and their oppressors

No “equality” and “coexistence” between robbers and those whom they robbed

These very beautiful words have been abused in order to protect the future of Jewish “israeli” USURPERS and to enable them to REMAIN on STOLEN land UNPUNISHED while KEEPING the LOOT

Love… Peace… Equality… Coexistence

These seemingly innocent words have been utterly misused in the context of Palestine.

Gatekeepers, who are interested in protecting the future of Jewish “israelis” and in ensuring they live in security and prosperity on STOLEN lands, use this word as means of perception management, to create a false paradigm in which the world is duped into thinking that “israelis” have a “right” to stay on a land they utterly looted, destroyed and disfigured. Their aim is to offer and prepare for a cruel “solution” in which mass murderers are protected and absolved from facing prosecution and armed robbers are shielded from GIVING BACK stolen lands and property, and from paying COMPENSATION and from the RESTITUTION of Palestinian land to its RIGHTFUL OWNERS.

Gatekeepers do NOT belong to the Palestinian camp of LIBERATION, they belong to the camp of violent supremacist Jewish invaders.

For example, look at the mission statement of “Humanity for Palestine” H4P, (created by world banker Peter Cohen, who played naive and changed it when it was exposed)


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How to recognise gatekeepers?
Gatekeepers often insist that Jewish “israelis” have “legitimate claims and concerns” and have the “right” to live in “peace and security” on lands they have STOLEN

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The litmus test to discern real supporters of Palestine:

1) Support of FULL LIBERATION of Palestine

2) Support of FULL RIGHT of RETURN of Palestinians

3) Support FULL RESTITUTION, REPARATION and COMPENSATION for seven decades of ethnic cleansing and slow genocide

4) Support of Palestinian RESISTANCE in all its forms

5) Support of PROSECUTION of Jewish “israeli” criminals



Celebrating Sexual Orientation, the Road to Liberation?

I cannot help but notice the striking commonalities between two  politically active groups who perceive themselves as uniquely “oppressed”, perpetually “persecuted”, “hated” and “marginalized” :
  •  A small part of their perception of the self has become their entire identity
  •  They display symptoms of victim-hood syndrome and excessive sense of persecution
  • They exhibit intense craving for, and demanding of world-love, by hook or by crook
  •  They use slander and ad hominem attacks as means to win the debate, against those who stand by in bewilderment, and against those who don’t celebrate with them their self-obsession and self-adoration
  •  They criminalize those who ask questions, show signs of concern or express different opinions, share some doubts or dissent


In recent years, the entire Western political paradigm has been encapsulated in two main campaigns: the first being the right of LGBT to proselytise their lifestyle (specially amongst children) and to publicly celebrate their sexual orientations, and the second being “israel’s right” to defend itself.

The spectrum of political debate has shriveled to two pivotal topics, spinning in the orbits of “same-sex love” on the Left and “israel adoration” on the Right.

The candidate/ party who are most able to exhibit more love and support to both are the most likely to climb up the political ladder resuming leadership.

The more dedication a candidate/ party shows to both LGBT and the Jewish State the more chances of scoring high on the scale of “civility”

Too much time, energy and money has been invested in expressing “pride” of sexual orientation, and in publicly celebration sexual behaviour, all with the blessing and support of the political “elite”, world leaders and dubious institutions.

What a devious way to divert attention from scrutinizing the REAL issues of PERSECUTION, OPPRESSION and INJUSTICE !


The global and annual LGBT exhibitionist celebrations -under the banner of fighting for human rights against “persecution”, is coupled with persistent attempts to insert this “fight” in every other liberation and/or human right movement.

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Juxtaposing the six colours ( hijacked rainbow bright colours which are for CHILDREN, which lures and attracts the little ones) over every other flag, became the litmus test for measuring the “progressiveness”, “civility” and “worthiness” of support of any particular organization, country and movement.

Does this not cause people to THINK, that maybe something is not quite right here?


Why on earth should “progressiveness” be defined by how much one takes pride in the sexual behaviour of a small group of people?

Why on earth should mankind be classified and divided according to their sexual preferences?

Why on earth should anyone be called “hater” and “intolerant” if one says they do not like their children, nor themselves to be exposed to live-porn?

Why on earth should anyone be labeled as “homophobic” If they kindly request from their brothers in humanity to keep bedroom acts where it belongs, in the bedroom, and spare our children the obscenity of premature exposure to unwanted sexuality or nudity?

How can such a request be considered “persecution” and “oppression”?

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Logic of the absurd

If you are a Palestinian fighting for the freedom of your people and the liberation of your homeland, you have to give up your alienable rights to the land, and flatly aplogise for not liking very much the idea of sharing your home with your rapists, otherwise you would be called “racist antisemite” who wants to “ethnically cleanse” Jews, “persecute” them and deprive them from their “human rights”.

If you are a Palestinian who cherishes his history and traditional values, you have to give up your ethics and culture, start competing with “israel’s Pride Parade”.

You need to understand that your support for the “gay pride” public celebration of the particular sexuality of a very small segment of the population, is the first and conditional step toward the liberation of your homeland.

In order to succeed in defeating your oppressors, you have to make their sexuality  your number one priority; compete with “israel”, organise PPP “Palestinian Pride Parades” which are bigger, more radical and louder than that of “israel”, otherwise you would be seen as a “backward Arab” and you would be called “intolerant homophobe”.

For whose agenda?

We began to feel the pressure demanding to insert sexual orientation as an”integral” part for our movement, which is extremely insensitive and divisive move at this stage of our struggle.

We began to feel the heat of abuse because we express concern for our children and ask for some sensitivity towards our culture

Having the view that sexuality is a private matter does NOT mean one is hateful or homophobic.

Muslim societies are concerned for the welfare of the whole society, and not just the pleasure of a few.

Exhibitionism and public display of sexual activity is deemed harmful for society, specially the most vulnerable and most worthy of protection, namely the children.

Premature exposure of young children to sexuality is like force feeding a newborn with chilli con carne and beefsteak followed by few cigarettes and an alcoholic drink.

Children are not designed or ready to cope with sexual activity as much as babies are not ready to digest heavy meals.

It is not rocket science to know that such early exposure is harmful to children.

When I expressed my concern for children, I was attacked, ridiculed, accused of being “racist”, “Homophobic”, insulted and threatened of being blocked by one prominent activist for Palestine.


It is obscene that a self-profiled “supporter” of Palestinians, would completely ignore, reject and campaign to change fundamental aspects of Palestinian culture, ethics, model of society etc.

The Palestinian model of society has been successful in peacefulness, harmony,  tolerance and family cohesiveness, since centuries and more, contrary  to the imposed “Western” model, which arguably has failed in these respects.

What sort of support are we seeing, when in essence it asks us to abandon our cultural identity?


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Chomsky and Palestine

JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) concludes that the best way of defending “israel” and countering its de-legitimization is to allow and participate in its criticism.


“I regard myself as a supporter of Israel ~~ Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a “cultural zionist” who endorses the Jewish Zionist conquest of Palestine: He wants a softer occupation, he does NOT condemn the creation of an alien entity on a land stolen, acquired by military conquest, genocide, terrorism and ongoing atrocities but just merely condemns some mistreatment of Palestinians that give his “israel”  he supports, a bad name and bad reputation.

The “master of linguistics”, the prominent scholar, Noam Chomsky, reputed for his accurate, articulate and precise use of correct vocabulary, uses carefully crafted, most suitable words to express his thoughts…. So when he describe the Palestinians as: “essentially caged animals”, what does that tell of him?

Would this “master of linguistics” ever use such words to describe Jews?

This is precisely the Zionist-Jewish hate vocabulary of choice when it comes to Palestinians: “animals”

Noam Chomsky‘s role as a gatekeeper (whether intentional or not) is to  deflect attention from:
CRIMES committed by the Jewish-Zionist global network including major false flag operations like 911.

He also deflects attention away from the supremacist ideologies of his tribe by pointing the finger at “imperialism”.

By pointing the finger at US’s crimes, he deflects attention away from the Jewish power inserted inside US governmental institutions, that shape its domestic and foreign policies virtually entirely, even against US self interest.

He is the guru of the Jewish Left, as well as the Left at large.

His influence on stifling the minds of many and framing the progressive liberal discourse should not be underestimated or ignored

Chomsky (the g-d of the Jewish left) is AGAINST  the full Liberation of Palestine, thereby arguably against the restoration of International Law. He cares more about the survival of “israel” and the normalization of the Jewish-Zionist project of conquest of Palestine than he cares about the Palestinians’ struggle for liberation.…

Obviously, Chomsky approaches the subject of Palestine from a compromised position, his loyalty is where his heart is, where his tribe is.

Chomsky and most so called Jewish “supporters” are dedicated to the preservation and continuation of the usurping, illegitimate and illegal entity called “Israel”

By their criticism of “Israel’s” behavior instead of its illegitimacy, they deflect from the core of the problem, which is the illegality of “Israel’s” very EXISTENCE, which came to be through TERRORISM, MASSACRES, WARS of CONQUEST and GENOCIDE, crimes ongoing to this day.

By criticizing “israel”, they hope to take the steering wheel from the Jewish “Israeli” right and mellow down the face of an exponential scale ROBBERY and TERROR, into a more acceptable face, which treats the residual Palestinians a teeny weeny better, while Jewish coreligionists KEEP the LOOT.

By easing the barbaric savagery and giving the few residual Palestinians some nominal “rights”, they hope that the International Community will not turn against “Israel” and its global jewish allies.

Both Right and Left (Zionists and anti-Zionists) are dedicated to the illegal preservation of “Israel”

This is the reason why the activity of some Jewish “supporters” can be so detrimental to the Palestinian cause. Their intentions are concealed, and are contrary to / Palestinian aspirations of Freedom and Liberation.

They help preserving and finalizing the Zionist project of KEEPING the LOOT, while providing backup and coverup for the world Jewry support of the openly aggressive Jewish Zionists’ colonization, shielding it against world outrage. Thus causing immeasurable harm to those whom they are pretending to be helping.

Such harm is difficult to discern and it is far more dangerous, because it subdues the victim and leads him to a bleak destiny with total submission, without any resistance.
Those whose individual identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” no matter under what explanation, and no matter at what the cost, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine.

Those individuals whose identity is entangled with “israel” being and remaining a “State for Jews” irrespective of any pretext or explanation, cannot be considered genuine supporters of Palestine, and logically can not be considered neither as genuine defenders of “Human Rights”, to the contrary.

Palestine was a peaceful country for centuries. Since over seventy years it is a country under destructive attack from a foreign Jewish collective unable to integrate peacefully and unwilling to adhere to even the most elementary rules of human cohabitation. The majority of world Jewry Left and Right has been the major overt support of these Crimes, while covert support by deflection and diffusion of resistance, has been provided by some Jews who in essence are accomplices and collaborators of the Crimes they feign to oppose.

Noam Chomsky is part of the latter.

The litmus test of sincerity would be their views with regards to Palestinians’ aspiration of FULL LIBERATION, FULL RETURN of our exiled Nation, and FULL SOVEREIGNTY by Palestinians over our Country.

NOT a Sell Out

This heart, where sorrow dwells

Refuses to surrender

Madly in pain

Stubborn and defiant

Snatches a moment of joy

To fly above the masses of agony

His outcry… NO

I am NOT a sell out




أنا لا أساوم

ويأبى القلب الذي استوطنته الأحزان  أن يستسلم

يتألم  بجنون لكنه عنيد  ويكابر

يقتنص  من الفرح لحظة

يطير بها فوق جموع أوجاعه

صارخاً لا . . . أنا لا أساوم


Perpetual Nakba

In 1948 WAR, my grandmother was a young mother,

My mother was a child in 1948

* * *

In 1967 WAR my mother was a young mother,

I was a child in 1967

* * *

In 1987 WAR, I was a young mother,

My daughter was a child in 1987

* * *

In 2014 WAR, my daughter is a young mother

My granddaughter is a child in 2014

* * *


FIVE generation girls/ women/ mothers/ grandmothers

Have lived the Nakba

Repeated over and over and over again

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Terminology and Palestine


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I receive this email from Dr Gabi Weber 

Dear friends of Palestine,

In recent years, the discussion about alternative solutions in Palestine has intensified. At various conferences held, among other places, in Haifa, Ramallah, Munich, Stuttgart and Dallas, the subject of ODS – One Democratic State – was analysed as a viable solution, i.e. one state for all. This important discussion is now coming to Zurich. Why now? How could ODS be implemented? Where do the current political parties in the region stand?  What would this mean for the people and the region?  We invite you for an in-depth discussion of ODS on the 17-18th May for a two-day conference in Zurich:


ODS One Democratic State in Palestine / Israel

May 17th 2014: Public symposium at Volkshaus, Zurich: 10:00am to 9:30pm, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zurich

–        with Ghada Kharmi, Ilan Pappe, Samir Abed-Rabbo, Rania Madi, Yoav Bar, Radi Jarai, Ofra Yeshua-Lyth and many more.      In the evening, open discussions with the speakers will be held

May 18th 2014: Workshops sessions for activists and speakers at Quartierzentrum Aussersihl Zurich: 11am to 4pm, Hohlstrasse 67, 8004 Zurich

–        with activists from solidarity groups from Switzerland, Germany, Austria & others

All lectures and discussions will be held in English, with little to no translation.

Tickets: will be sold at the door for CHF 35 (basic ticket) or CHF 70 (support ticket: includes donation for event). In cash only, allows access to all activities held on both days; food and drinks not included.

Ticket Reservation: via email to stating your full name, number of tickets, and whether you plan to attend the Saturday, Sunday or all sessions. Please RSVP by latest May 13th.

Presented by:

Further information about ODS can be found at: and

Please distribute this e-mail and flyer to other interested parties and please spread to your websites, Facebook pages, etc.

In Solidarity,

Shirine Dajjani, ODS Zurich

This was my response:

Dear Gabi

I would like to bring to the attention of the conference, to Palestinians who call for ODS and their supporters, the following points hoping that my concerns would be incorporated in the discussion and taken seriously:

The hidden dangers of the use of incorrect terminology in our struggle:

a) In calling “Israel” APARTHEID

b) In calling for Abolition of Zionism,

c) In calling for One Democratic State solution as opposed to LIBERATION

d) In the Obliteration of Concepts of Resistance and Liberation


1) Presenting “Israel” an Apartheid is a CONCEALMENT of GENOCIDE

Calling the Zionist entity mere “apartheid”, i.e “separation”, would only serve in concealing the true expansionist  GENOCIDAL nature of the Jewish state, thus whitewashing and minimising its century old crimes of ethnic cleansing and slow genocide.Such perception diminishes the Palestinians alienable rights into some modest demands of betterment of treatment by simple changes and modifications to “Israel’s” laws, naively assuming that such aims could be achieved by campaigning to put pressure on “Israel”  in order to revise some of its policies.

“Apartheid” presents “Israel” as a “normal” and “legitimate” political system which contains only few holes, some racist laws, and wrong policies which can easily be changed and corrected. Such use would no doubt promote the legitimization of this entity.

From a legal aspect, crimes of apartheid does not carry the same weight under International Law as Crimes against Humanity, which “Israel” is guilty off, thus may be harder to prosecute.

Campaigning to demand that the existing Jewish state, would change some of its policies (rather than to call for its dismantling and delegitimisation, to end this entity, once and for all) would simply enable the total usurpation of historic Palestine.



2)   Abolition of Zionism is absolutely vacuous and meaningless


Zionism is “JEWISH NATIONALISM, an ideology needed at a certain time to BRING JEWS to Palestine and to create a homeland for Jews, and now a significant percentage of them are already there. Zionism has ACHIEVED ALL ITS GOALS. So as an ideology and a concept, it is not even needed anymore, because all its aims have been achieved and abandoning it is surplus.
Imagine if we had an aim and call it RFP (Rat Free Palestine), then in 5 years from now, we achieve that aim, how meaningful can it be if international groups for the rights of rats to come after we achieved our goal, and to demand that we abolish RFP ideology! Their campaign is not only meaningless and pointless but also stupid


3) Transforming “Israel” into one democratic state is sugar coated poison

This is a glaring call for:
a)  Legitimizing “Israel”, worse, it is a call for promoting the enlargement of its boundaries, to encompass the ENTIRE land of Palestine, by annexing what remains of Palestine.
b) Wiping out the Palestinian Identity by giving Palestinians “Israeli” citizenship, thus covertly calling for the “israelization” of what remains of Palestinians,
c) Fantasising the idea of “equal rights” under “Israeli” authority, without taking into consideration the root causes of the racist laws, namely the ideology of supremacy and the “chosen-mess” with all its abhorrent implications, is detrimental to the just cause of Palestine.

By defacto, and sheer reality on the ground, “Israel” holds and will continue to hold all the apparatus of power in all spheres; military, academia, financial, political, social, media.
The mirage of equality in an inherently supremacist society is one of the most deceptive baits Palestinians could contemplate it is beyond naive to think otherwise.Promoting a solution in which criminals, thieves and murderers for several generations, reap the fruits of their deeds and get rewarded with keeping the loot is a mockery of every ethical principle humanity ever developed.
It is a moral degradation which justifies and paves the grounds for more wars of conquests and genocide.After witnessing their ruthlessness and inhumanity for seven decades as well as witnessing the deeds of their lobby and powerful organizations in many countries, is not idiotic to embrace the idea of imposing foreign-terrorist-racist-supremacist invaders on our lives by our own freewill?


The one state means in plain language:

1) Inviting the Zionist entity to ANNEX and OCCUPY what is left of Palestine.2) Blessing the invaders with the “right” to keep the LOOT of whatever they have captured through wars of conquest and aggression.

3) Enabling the invaders to ENLARGE and EXPAND their entity, a small step towards a “greater israel”.

4) Embracing the finalization of the Zionist project.

5) Campaigning to upgrade the Palestinians’ status from “occupied Palestinian” to “slave Israelis”, living under the boot of Jewish supremacists who see Palestinians and other goyim as animals created only to serve Jews.

6) Absolving war criminals, murderers and land grabbers of all responsibility before the law, nay, rewarding them for their crimes.


This poll which clearly concludes that “Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank

Is this “one-israeli-state” what Palestinians have been “yearning” for, for decades?Is this what they have been striving for and have sacrificed their lives for generations to achieve ?Is this what will fulfill their aspiration and make their sacrifices worthwhile?

  • Voluntarily legalizing the theft of their own Homeland !
  • Willingly aiding to finalize the Zionist project !
  • Submissively allowing the criminal Jewish-Zionist state to get closer to becoming “greater Israel” !
  • Gracefully helping the genocidal entity to expand even more, annexing what is left of Palestine!

4) The only fair and just solution is  FULL LIBERATION
by all legitimate meas of resistance

Hereby, for the sake of historical truth, and for defending, preserving and protecting the rights of future Palestinian children, I call upon this conference, and upon my brothers and sister, Palestinians and supporters alike to unite under the banner of LIBERATION, affirming our Inalienable Rights and clarifying our aims and aspirations to ourselves and to the world by SIGNING  this  Declaration


There is also a realistic proposal for our Jewish supporters who are serious about helping Palestinians in regaining their rights 



Best regards
Nahida Izzat, aka Exiled Palestinian


I am so blessed


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I am so blessed

Being a Palestinian

Being a refugee

For over fifty years

I am so blessed

I wasn’t in the tank

With an army uniform

Killing and destroying

To frighten people away

It was a barren land

Later on to say!

I am so blessed


Being under curfew

For most of my life

I am so blessed

I wasn’t with the army

Erecting high walls

Shooting at civilians

At every check-point

I am so blessed


Losing my father

In one of their raids

I am so blessed

That it was not I

Flying planes of terror

Firing that missile

Then Laughing and rejoicing

The mission was a success

I am so blessed


Watching my brother

Being taken away

I am so blessed

I wasn’t one of those

Kicking till he bled

From his nose and head

I am so blessed


Burying my baby

With a bullet in her heart

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that soldier

Who took a baby’s life

Nor was I his mother

Who welcomed him a hero

When coming back home

I am so blessed

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Sleeping in a UN tent

Shivering in the freezing cold

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that settler

Who occupied my home

Justifying massacres


Then, tossing and turning

 All night long

Wondering what’s wrong

Haunted by his deeds

Searching like mad

For a long lost peace

Which he can’t find

I am so blessed


 Holding David’s stone

In my little hand

I am so blessed

I wasn’t giant Goliath

With mass-destruction might

Seeing himself invincible

With no hope in sight


Who is there?

Oh human

Can’t you see!

I am precisely like you

I don’t like being humiliated

I am no one’s doormat

I’m person in my own right


When I was born

I was born innocent

Happy and free

And I want to live

A normal life

With dignity

Wouldn’t you?

I realise there is a dawn

Waiting to be born

And that… after hardship… passes away

Ease will come to life… very soon

But… they inflicted so much

Pain and cruelty

Upon this little girl

And upon her homeland

Palestinian family cry after their home was demolished by Israeli forces in the East Jerusalem2
The world is watching

Eyes open wide

In bewilderment

And disbelief

“What we are watching

Is a fiction movie

It’s not really true”

While in exile

Puzzled… I agonize

Wiping tears off my saddened face

Searching around

Any one there?

This is My Palestine

Looking up… into sky

Did You hear my cries?

Did You witness the crime?

In Palestine, Something Miraculous Happens


Knock… knock

A gentle tap

Yes, coming

Who is there?

Hope is here

Smiling at my heart

Standing by my door


On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko -

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart


Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff



Email to

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


Generating a fearless and humanising narrative on Palestine!


Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

The Passionate Attachment

America's entanglement with Israel

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Blogging 4 Human Rights & Liberation of Palestine! فلسطين

Mystery Worshiper's Blog

Searching for churches where His law is Love and His gospel is Peace

The Slog

A Cognitive Dissident

Aletho News


John's Consciousness

Exploring our "Inner Evolution"