What would you do?

“Why don’t you write about the chaos happening now in the Middle East?”

Some may wonder

“Don’t you have anything intelligent to say in such dreadful times?”

They add


“Oh YES I do of course I do, I have much to say”

I reply

When you see a person being beaten up by a mob

Could be slaughtered before your eyes

What would you do first?

Do you stop to help him, save his life?

Or do you point at his dirty clothes,

Ask him to get changed first, as you criticise?

* * *

What I have to say is bitter sweet

Aimed at my Muslim family

From all schools of thought

Injured, humiliated

Fatigued, marginalized

Drained and disunited

Oppressed and dehumanized

Pushed into a trap

By sleazy fingers

Those whose motto:

“By way of deception, thou shalt make war”

בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה

Co+scenarist+co+director+Bernard+Henry+Levy+HzkIXW5nC3AlBHL sur la place Tharir Henry-LevyEPA imagesww

Director Levy and cast members pose during a photocall for the film Le Serment de Tobrouk at the 65th Cannes Film Festival 220608_198527960185080_100000836321876_450077_5731563_o 20111129-220722 6680060_bin 561733_366837706729423_1564299057_na Berhard Henry Levi Bernard+Henry+Levy+Celebs+Cosmopolis+Premiere+O7MBIhHkwZBl BHL in Benghazi, Libya bhl_libye2_03 bhl_libye2_022 big_63de09abe bhl-2-550x366 Cameron clinton_peace FRANCE-IRAN-DEMO gatzmon20110429 image-335394-galleryV9-olvt levi3 Levy & Younis Levy_pic_1 levy-rat lieberman1 France's President Sarkozy speaks with (NTC) Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril as they walk to Medical Center in Tripoli nicolas-sarkozy-and-david-cameron-colonising-libya برنار ليفي الاب الروحي لما يسمى بالربيع العربي مع مناحيم بيغن

Is it the right time to say what I have to say, then

While babies being slaughtered

And the innocent smothered under?

One Response

  1. Several years prior to 1988 when I was forced to leave France, I learned from Charles Pasqua of the Government Mafia that France had Six Million Muslims. Mainstream Muslims were then represented by a Zionist Freemason DALIL BOUBAKEUR and all the Masajid (“mosques”) were under strict government control.

    More than 40 years later, I learn from various Muslim and other sources that France has SIX MILLION Muslims!!!???

    Anyway, mass murderers (TSAHAL assassins) are roaming French streets, villages and towns without being bothered by either State of the miraculous Six Million Muslims!

    Bernard Henri Levi is a notorious mass murderer working alongside with other Jewish/Zionist and Godless (Secular) criminals and racists including Arabs from the CIA Emirates, CIA Qatar, CIA Saudia (occupied Arabia).

    From Surah 17 Bani Isra’il

    [33] 9. Do not kill any soul whose killing has been forbidden by Allah33 except by right:
    34 and if one is killed unjustly We have granted the right of retribution to his guardian.
    35 So he should not transgress the limits in retaliation,
    36 for he shall be helped.37

    (Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi – Tafhim al-Qur’an)

    N.B. Today’s Jews are NOT the Bani Isra’il of old! They are the henchmen and henchwomen of Shaytaan and they have enslaved the decadent Muslims all throughout the world!

    Most modern Muslims do not believe in Allah, but in the Gods of Kufr!
    And Allah has promised them TOTAL DESTRUCTION! Sheikh Imran Hossen is right in saying that the Arabs will soon be destroyed.

    But, my understanding of history is that Arabs have already been destroyed since the beginning of Western colonisation of Muslim lands or at least since the destruction of the decadent Ottoman Empire.



    Arabia is occupied by Sabatai Zevi Jews (Saudis) pretending to be Muslims – the same ones who took over the Ottoman government under the homosexual fornicating Jew Mustafa Kemal of Salonika, the same ‘Jewish’ Paradise where the ancestors of Nicolas Sarkozy came from!

    All friends (Muslim or non Muslim) of Saudis are traitors. I once learned that PREVENTION WAS BETTER THAN CURE! Today, most Muslims are here not to prevent or cure, but to complain, petition (the Devil), to demonstrate, to lament and to always blame the others when they are the guilty ones because they have abandoned their religion!


    P.S. I have started my fast this morning!


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