حكاية عشق ابدية


ذات ليلة مخملية سمراء مقدسية

دنا القمر من القمر

تعانق القمران

وبلهفة العشاق تبادلا النظرات والأشواق


همس البدر في اذن من يهوى

كفكفي الدموع يا حبيبة

قد أطَّ لمرآها عرش الرحمن

ولآهاتك الحرَّى المهيبة

اهتزت الأكوان


بالامس يا أحبتي

روى لنا الدهر حكاية

عن كونٍ هام بقمرٍ

عن قصة عشق ابدية

بين الخالق والمخلوق

بين الارض وبين السما

طأطأت رؤوسها الكواكب وسجدت النجوم

بين الصخرة والفردوس

قد مد حبل من نور


هنا قبَّلت الثرى الثريا

هنا صلى الانبياء

هنا عهد هنا وعد

هنا سعد وحبور


هنا طافت ارواح الشهدا

مع قرع للطبول

هنا ترتيل الملائك

تقتفي اثر الرسول


هنا صوت الحق يعلو

وهنا الباطل يفنى

وظلام الظلم يُمحى

هنا جبر للكسور

01 2

Eternal Love Story


Once upon a velvet night … A Jerusalemite night

The moon approached the moon

Two moons embraced

Like, true lovers, they gazed and exchanged tenderness


The moon whispered to his beloved’s ear

Sweetheart, let me dry your tears

Your tears shook the Throne of the Most Sublime

Your dignified sighs shattered the cosmos


Yesterday, my beloved

Epoch told us a story

About a Universe

Who fell in love with a moon

A never ending love story

Between Eternal and mortal, Infinite and finite


Heaven and Earth entwined

Planets bowed down, and stars prostrated in awe

Between a rock and Paradise

A rope of light unfurled


Here, galaxies kissed earth

Here, prophets prayed in adoration

Here, an oath… Here, a promise

Here, joy, bliss and delight


Here, souls of martyrs flew above

Buoyant, to drumbeats below

Here, the chanting of angels

Following footsteps of the messenger


Here, the sound of truth is loud and powerful

Here, falsehood is defeated

Here, darkness of oppression does not stand a  chance

Here, hearts are consoled, wounds are healed

01 2

A Tear for the World


I feel your throbbing pain

O World

I see your bleeding soul

I cringe, I go insane



Weary, I retreat

To the land of barren tears

Where no man has ever been

In silence, I weep



“O dear God”

I whisper

“How can such a small heart,

Take all this pain?”



I am so blessed


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I am so blessed

Being a Palestinian

Being a refugee

For over fifty years

I am so blessed

I wasn’t in the tank

With an army uniform

Killing and destroying

To frighten people away

It was a barren land

Later on to say!

I am so blessed


Being under curfew

For most of my life

I am so blessed

I wasn’t with the army

Erecting high walls

Shooting at civilians

At every check-point

I am so blessed


Losing my father

In one of their raids

I am so blessed

That it was not I

Flying planes of terror

Firing that missile

Then Laughing and rejoicing

The mission was a success

I am so blessed


Watching my brother

Being taken away

I am so blessed

I wasn’t one of those

Kicking till he bled

From his nose and head

I am so blessed


Burying my baby

With a bullet in her heart

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that soldier

Who took a baby’s life

Nor was I his mother

Who welcomed him a hero

When coming back home

I am so blessed

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Sleeping in a UN tent

Shivering in the freezing cold

I am so blessed

I wasn’t that settler

Who occupied my home

Justifying massacres


Then, tossing and turning

 All night long

Wondering what’s wrong

Haunted by his deeds

Searching like mad

For a long lost peace

Which he can’t find

I am so blessed


 Holding David’s stone

In my little hand

I am so blessed

I wasn’t giant Goliath

With mass-destruction might

Seeing himself invincible

With no hope in sight


Who is there?

Oh human

Can’t you see!

I am precisely like you

I don’t like being humiliated

I am no one’s doormat

I’m person in my own right


When I was born

I was born innocent

Happy and free

And I want to live

A normal life

With dignity

Wouldn’t you?

I realise there is a dawn

Waiting to be born

And that… after hardship… passes away

Ease will come to life… very soon

But… they inflicted so much

Pain and cruelty

Upon this little girl

And upon her homeland

Palestinian family cry after their home was demolished by Israeli forces in the East Jerusalem2
The world is watching

Eyes open wide

In bewilderment

And disbelief

“What we are watching

Is a fiction movie

It’s not really true”

While in exile

Puzzled… I agonize

Wiping tears off my saddened face

Searching around

Any one there?

This is My Palestine

Looking up… into sky

Did You hear my cries?

Did You witness the crime?

In Palestine, Something Miraculous Happens


Knock… knock

A gentle tap

Yes, coming

Who is there?

Hope is here

Smiling at my heart

Standing by my door


In Palestine, Something Miraculous Happens

By Nahida- Exiled Palestinian


In Palestine 

Terror reigns
Psychopaths claim dominance
and a “G-d given right to rob, kill and maim
In Palestine
Terror reigns
Smiles … wiped of innocent faces
 Little girls weep
Little boys butchered
Babies are slain
In Palestine
Terror reigns
Criminals are the law
They bomb, they shoot, they smite
With mini-nukes they wipe life out
In Palestine
Terror reigns
Without “lamp-shades”, bodies mutilated
Without “cremationovens”, toddlers charcoaled 
Without “gas-chambers”, Tiny tots… exterminated
In Palestine
Terror reigns
Aggressors crowned with victim-hood”
Their victims… “anti-Semites”, “filled with hate” !
They murder then cry
Sneer as they lie
They twist and deceive, innocence they proclaim
 Apart from themselves, Everyone to blame
In Palestine
Primary colours no longer three
 Red and green, black and white
Freedom painted red… Love is green
Sacrifice and faith black and white
In Palestine
 Out of the ashes humanity rises tall
 Resilience leaves you you speechless
Courage takes your breath away

and in contrast 

Bottomless cowardice

As never seen before

In Palestine
Something miraculous happens
 The more people die
The more hope is born!
Hope… Astounding
 Bequest of the Divine
Seen in every face 
Written with every name

What Really Matters!

When all gets dark

And life loses its colours
When evil tightens the grip

And the wicked leads the way

When fall falls before its time

and frost grows around
When your heart is torn and worn,

and you feel like throwing it away

Don’t give up, just wait a little while,
Turn your back
Close your eyes and
Remember what you have forgotten
Try to find if you’ve lost, 
Apologize if you’ve hurt,
Forgive if you have been hurt,
Caress if you’ve been deprived,
Pursue, if you have dream
Share if you’ve been bereft,
Giggle if you’ve been aggrieved,
Embrace if you’ve been shun,
Give if you’ve been denied,
Excel if you’ve been scorned,
Feed if you’ve tasted hunger
Rejoice if you’ve felt somber
Accompany those who know

Hold on tight to those you love,

Cherish those who care for you,

Because life is too short
and it is full of wonder


Beloved Jerusalem

Ten measures of sorrow God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of pain God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of agony God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of heartache God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of suffering God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of trauma God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of patience God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of endurance God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of bravery God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of benevolence God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of determination God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of generosity God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of modesty God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tenderness  God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of blessing God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of kindness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of joy God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of wisdom God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of elegance God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of peace God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of harmony God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of tranquility God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of grace God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of  sweetness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of compassion God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of gentleness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of mercy God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of faithfulness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of devotion God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of love God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of beauty God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of hope God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

Ten measures of holiness God gave to the world

Nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest

On the Road Again

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” — Maya Angelou

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,

Centarsko - https://centarsko.com

The Only Place Where you can Find Extraordinary Jewelry and Fashion

the fragrance writer

perfume | emotion

Poetry collection

Work by Rain Alchemist

Shannie Alvarez

A Gentile with a Jewish Heart



Diary of an Aesthete

Follow the Journey ☩𓀙𓃦☉

Vinoth Ramachandra

IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement

Global Justice in the 21st Century

commentary on global issues

James Perloff

formerly refugebooks.com


Email to ziegler.bill@gmail.com

| truthaholics

Exposing Truth Behind Media Spin

No Time to Think

The words, poems, stories and thoughts of award winning writer and journalist, Nic Outterside

Palestine Momentum

Writers For Palestine

مدونة عزت غيث

قوانين، مذكرات، مقالات المحامي عزت غيث مكتب المحامي عزت نصر غيث : عمان - جبل الحسين - دوار فراس - عمارة قدورة تلفون 0797900678 - 0788850180

Strings of Soulfulness

The strings of my life’s soulfulness in the beauty of eternity.

مدوّنة مريم

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”


"İlahi Ente Maksudi ve Rızake Matlubi"

The question of Palestine

Palestine is still the question

لماذا غزة؟ Why Gaza?

An American searching for answers in the Middle East

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," - Holy Qur'an


The Climate Crises


Generating a fearless and humanising narrative on Palestine!


Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms.. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.

The Passionate Attachment

America's entanglement with Israel

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Blogging 4 Human Rights & Liberation of Palestine! فلسطين

Mystery Worshiper's Blog

Searching for churches where His law is Love and His gospel is Peace

The Slog

A Cognitive Dissident

Aletho News


John's Consciousness

Exploring our "Inner Evolution"