A letter to God

 يا ودود 

Ya Wadoud

Dear Most Loving

Here I am

Wandering in the wilderness

Cold… soaking… frightened… lonely… lost

Dripping pain and sorrow



Knocking at your door

Humbly kneeling down

Hands upraised

Face hidden with tears


Requesting of Your generosity

Appealing of Your kindness

Pleading of Your mercy

 0001 heart

Dear Most Loving

Shroud me with Your bliss

Wrap me up with Your pleasure

Shower me with Your blessings


Make no desire in my heart

Greater than being with You


No aspiration dearer

Than the bounty of Your love


Dear Most Loving

Make me a mouthpiece of Your truth

A fingerprint of Your creativity

An ambassador of Your reality


Make me a pathway of Your certainty

 A sign of Your authenticity

A whisper of Your inspiration

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Make me a fountain of kindness

A lantern of guidance

A waterfall of honesty

A cascade of delight


 Make me a footstep

Leading to Your splendour


Make me a pail

Pouring out love

Watching all content


Make me a lamp

Glowing with tenderness and warmth

Until none is lost in darkness or despair


Make me a cloud

Full of goodness

Raining joy

Planting affection

Flowering passion

Blooming compassion

Fruiting closeness

Picking intimacy

Feeding ecstasy and reunion


Watching all fulfilled

Living whole… serene and satisfied


Dear Most Loving

It’s only through knowing You

Can distressed hearts

Find tranquillity and peace


The wise have said:

“ if you love a thing so much, it will reveal its secrets to you”


Dear Most Loving

Here I am

An empty vessel

Lift me… Fill me… Use me

As You wish

My will is nothing

But Yours


Dear Most Loving

I am walking towards you

Your promise is true

Come running towards me

 Hold me… embrace me

I am all Yours


2 Responses

  1. My god any powerful made has that you accept my prayers, that to see a day my people Palestinian brother restoring their earth(ground) stolen by the Zionism heartlessly, give them the peace and the serenity, returns them the smile stolen by this state of fachiste, my god made that a day these people to éssuyer them tears who has so much to pour, made has that these people know the freedom, the independence, the joy of living, knows the respect as being people who is entitled has the life as everything populates them with the world, my god my god made that Palestine will find its honor, its peace, his(her) independent state, made that jérusalem or its capital éternèl, god my god only you who can restore and re-reconcile these people oppressed and deprived of these rights fundamental, my god or with them does not let them suffer so much that they are him(it), only you my god any powerful for whom we shall make appèl has every time when we feel powerless that god and big allahou akbar


  2. What a beautiful testimony and inspiration to action with love and principle.

    Liked by 1 person

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