Controlled opposition? You Bet!



I find this precious admission -by none other than the handler himself bragging about his role in “engineering” Palestinian actions and reaction, I find it horrifically disturbing yet not all surprising, in fact it offers a profound confirmation to all what I have had suspected and have been writing about all along

With the above few words by Tony Greenstien, we caught the “handler” red handed, offering us the damning irrefutable evidence against his own work as a “handler” par excellence. We stand stunned before one notorious Jewish anti-Zionist -who “perfected” his role in controlled opposition, exposing his dirty tricks in manipulating Palestinians, meddling with their discourse, attempting to control their narrative and steer and divert their noble struggle of liberation into one of ADL battlefields, namely “fighting antisemitism”.

Under such conditions and with this glaring example of preemptive calculated strikes, aiming at defining the aims, tactics, and agenda for Palestinians and steering the pro-Palestinian movement as a whole via “handling” Palestinians themselves and “engineering” Palestinian discourse, it is imperative for the Palestinians and Palestine Solidarity movement to introduce regulations that will shut the door before any such manipulators, and open doors for unrestricted intellectual debate, freedom of expression and transparency. Failure to address these serious issue would only cause the continuation and aggravation of the crippling shift that has already befallen the movement.

It is therefore essential to crack open the shells of exclusion and secrecy of  Jewish anti-Zionist groups, wherein the Greensteins of our world thrive and prosper in their exclusive Jewish only groups, to plot and “engineer”, and wherein discussions are consumed by fighting “antisemitism” and bashing “holocaust deniers”. Time has come to put an end to exclusive private meeting in which discussions are exhausted by questions like which “unfavourable” information should be concealed, which debate to “allow”, which books to burn, which people to disavow, which motions to propose and which events to protest or to oppose.

It is paramount to expose the origins and “engineers” of such sinister attacks against free thinking activists who might not conform to “permissible” line of discourse, and to challenge the ghettos in which such manipulation is cooked and shamelessly “engineered”.


Oh boy, haven’t we seen that before!

Remember this?

A glimpse into the mindset and modus operandi of AZZ:










One Response

  1. Your exactly right Exiled Palestinian and also beware of any vices or weaknesses of your own(Leaders) such as Gambling,drunkness,woman-lyzing,child lover,greed which is”Love of Money.

    Also beware of your surroundings and who’s in your area at all times.

    And even your own be careful and pay close attention to their genetic features they have,because there’s a reason why they call them Crypto Jews because their masters at sending the right people in to blend in with the populace.

    And like above,blackmailing your fellow man,and their best at it!!!


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